
Treatment options of the gum tissue and the periodontium.



Periodontology is the study of the diseases and treatments of the gum tissue and periodontium (periodontium).

In modern dentistry, the attention to the health of the periodontium (periodontium) has increased enormously. In biological dentistry, periodontology occupies an absolutely high place.

Oral surgery

What is periodontal disease?

Periodontosis refers to all diseases of the periodontium. The natural tooth is not stuck in the bone – it is suspended in its tooth compartment by fine fibers.

The tooth compartment is equipped with a defensive closure towards the mouth. If this retaining apparatus suffers irreversible damage, even healthy teeth will fall out.

How do you identify periodontal disease?

Healthy gums are pale pink and lie firmly against the bone or tooth. Towards the tooth it has a delicate edge and a typical surface relief.

The inflammation of the gums is called periodontitis. The gums are reddened, swollen and bleed when touched lightly. The gum line continues to retract until the tooth becomes exposed and loose. The connection between the gum and the tooth is lost and deep gum pockets develop. Deposits increase in these – which bacteria love.

Causes of periodontitis

Dental caries and periodontal disease usually have a common cause – a bacterially colonized plaque. Particularly in rough and hard-to-reach places, plaque adheres to the teeth.

deposits, also called plaque. These are colonized by bacteria that damage the hard tissues of the teeth by causing caries and inflammation of the gums and periodontium. The inflammations lead to the progressive degradation of the periodontium and the development of deep pathological tooth pockets.

Untreated periodontitis can take on enormous proportions and also damage the jawbone. In some patients, the teeth of the entire set of teeth eventually become loose and are thus lost beyond repair.

Effects on the whole body

New research has confirmed that infection of the gums has effects on the whole organism. Therefore, it is not just a harmless gum disease, but more dangerous diseases, such as vascular diseases can be promoted in your development.


Periodontal disease and treatment?

It is important to detect the disease at an early stage, because it often goes unnoticed for a long time and can spread further and further. Basic treatment includes cleaning the teeth and gum pockets, as well as instruction in thorough dental hygiene at home. In severe cases, surgical treatment is performed. Follow-up care is extremely important and several check-ups per year in our dental office are recommended.

In biological dentistry, we avoid conventional preparations and meticulously take care to support your body in holistic healing. Contact us if you have any further questions, we look forward to hearing from you.

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Fehér Dental Team
9400 Sopron, Árpád u. 1.


Opening times

Mo: 08:30-16:30
Tue: 09:00-16:30
Wed, Thu, Fr: 08:30-16:30


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